New Project - Dialog Tool

I know that it has been a while since my last post, but I have been very busy both with school and events going on in my life. But now, I am working on my own project aside from ReactOS for now. It is a Dialog Command-Line Tool designed for batch files in the Windows NT environment (target is Windows XP or later). The inspiration for the tool actually comes from Linux called "Dialog." The only difference is how the flags are handled (dialog /title instead of dialog --title) and that my version is GUI-only. It is written in C and it only uses the Windows API for size and compatibility reasons.

So far, it doesn't do much except for showing the about dialog box when you run the program straight. I'm currently working on the argument code so the tool can properly read any flags given to the tool and then go from there. So far, it can't properly read anything that is given to it, so it does not run any dialogs when you give any arguments to it. I am hoping soon that I can find what is wrong and then fix it so I can start working on each of the dialog box types and get everything working so I can finish it and start working on something else. In the end, I will release the program into the wild (a.k.a the Internet), licensed under the GNU GPLv3. In the future, unless I am bound by some sort of contract saying otherwise for any single project, I will license all my programs under either the GNU GPLv3+ or the LGPLv3+.

Overall, the Dialog tool will have most, if not all, of the features described in the Linux version of the tool. It is designed to run one dialog box per use, so if you wanted to use it twice, then you would have to run the program two separate times. This is done to reduce complexity, and to prevent confusion on the output that will be used by other parts of the script. I'm not quite sure how the output would be handled, but I'm sure I'll find out when I get there.

And even quite a few programs that I will write will be written for the Windows NT series (and I will write programs for GNU/Linux and maybe other platforms as well), I will try to follow the UNIX Philosophy when it comes to my coding. This way, it becomes easier for me to complete my projects in a timely manner, and it for the most part follows my belief on how coding should be. Small, elegant programs working together, rather than a massive, spaghetti mess that takes forever to fix. And no, this does not mean that I prefer a simple language like C over an OOP language like C++, as I actually think that OOP reduces complexity in larger applications, but if it can keep code small, clean and elegant, then it will make programs that much better.
