School's Out

Although my semester doesn't officially end until Sunday, I have no more assignments, tests, or finals to finish or deal with. And with that, I should hopefully be able to get back to programming again. And although I have had no time to make any posts lately, I have made some patches that have been committed to the trunk since my last post.
  1. Shutdown (r57916)
    1. This adds a lot of changes that makes this utility more feature complete. The log message for the revision will tell you more in detail what changes have been made. Overall, the changes includes having the CMD argument list conform to Windows 7, and the GUI option that allows for shutting down or restarting remote systems. The program is still feature incomplete, but the patch that I submitted is hopefully one step closer to a complete program.
  2. Regedit (r57772 & r57773)
    1. For a while, there was a problem with importing a file whose file path has a space in it. That led the regedit program to assume that there were more than one registry file to import at a given time. When I tried to get out of importing the path fragments that returned an error if you tried to open them, a thought ran across my mind. What if the user wanted to import many registry files at once, but at one point or another, decides that they want to stop the operation altogether? With the way the program worked before my patch was applied, the only ways to do this was one of two ways, (1) click on the no button until the program is finished cycling through the list of files specified by the user, or (2) end the program abruptly by ending the process. By adding a cancel button to the choice of either yes or no, this saves the user time and gives an easy option to canceling out of the operation.
  3. Add missing files to compiled ISO file (r57768)
    1. After coming across these files that were ready to be used, but never included into the final ISO image (e.g. autorun.inf, icon.ico, and readme.txt). Now if the user inserts the CD into the drive, assuming we are using Windows, will now autoplay the welcome application and use the ReactOS icon for the CD icon.
  4. Add setupapi.dll into known DLLs list (r57576)
    1. This patch has been submitted because the autorun program for Quake II couldn't find the proper function found in setupapi.dll. Now the autorun program actually runs.
  5. Pre-implement InitiateSystemShutdownExW() (r57546)
    1. In order to make the changes I've made in the shutdown utility work a bit better in ReactOS itself, I've made a few enhancements to InitiateSystemShutdownExW() so the utility now has the ability to restart the computer as well as shut it down.
  6. Wlanconf localization support (r57539)
    1. The ability for ReactOS to connect to a network wirelessly is still relatively new. But when I looked at the wlanconf utility that allows the user to make changes to the wireless settings, I saw that all the text was hard-coded in English. To make it easier for the tool to grow, I decided to make the plunge into setting the groundwork that would make it easier for translators to make the tool available in more than one language.
My next step is to create the taskkill utility. Although the Wine project has their own version of taskkill, trying to get the program to compile under RosBE has been less than successful with no obvious way to get rid of the error messages. If someone knows how to compile it, then please let me know. If I can get the Wine version to compile properly, then that saves me a lot of development time and effort.

So, until next time, have a nice day. :)
